Thursday, July 25, 2019

Two Girls One Mic Podcast: 30 Rock Porn

I joined Alice and Yvette on their podcast this week to see what happens when you try to turn a show about a live sketch-comedy show into a porn…and forget to ask Judah Friedlander to star in it. We also cover what to not put into a microwave, rocket knees, custom gym blazers, and porn Kenneth. For more of their great episodes, check out their website.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Playable Characters Podcast- Max Force from NARC

I was a guest on the Playable Character Podcast. On their podcast, they interview video game characters and this week, I appeared as Max Force, the blue cop from one of the best arcade games ever, N.A.R.C.! We discussed cleaning up the streets, getting rid of drugs, his sweet Porsche, and just blowing things up with a rocket launcher. Enjoy! If you like the show, check them out on Twitter or Instagram @PlayablePodcast

Recording this episode was a lot of fun

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Roast Battle at the Stand

Here's a roast battle I won against Lindsay Jennings on 6/6/17

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I'm in an episode of The Jim Gaffigan Show

I had a great time shooting an episode of The Jim Gaffigan Show today. It was a special treat because in addition to the show's already amazing cast, this episode also featured Chris Rock and Dave Attell.